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5 Cold Nights a Week Helping Homeless of WNY | HeartsBeat #3

buffalo winter clothing donation

Everything we do for the community is inspired by years of dedication and knowing how big a difference basic needs can mean for someone who needs a hand. Being homeless isn’t easy for anyone, regardless of where they’re from or how they got there. Often times these individuals become forgotten, broken members of society who…

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Larry Bierl | A Cold Reminder of Homelessness in New York

  If you’ve ever been through the village of Williamsville over the last 20 years or so, you may have seen Larry Bierl. Larry had noticeably long, unforgettable dreadlocks. He typically donned a specific camo/army green signature style. Anyone from the village of Williamsville who’d spent time around the Walker Center near the I-90 can…

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